Mini Socks with Critters

CM476Q Washington U w Bear
4 x 4

CM476R Virginia Tech w Hokie
4 x 4

CM476S Georgia Tech w Bee
4 x 4

CM476T UVA w Cavalier
4 x 4

CM476U U of Tennessee w Bloodhound
4 x 4

CM476V Mercer w Black Bear
4 x 4

CM476W NC State w Wolf
4 x 4

CM476X U of Arkansas w Razorback
4 x 4

CM476Y U of Rhode Island w Ram
4 x 4

CM476Z Bucknell w Bison
4 x 4

CM477A U of Wisconsin w Badger
4 x 4

CM477B Colorado School of Mines w Burro
4 x 4

CM477C U of Houston w Cougar
4 x 4

CM477D Rutgers w Scarlet Knight
4 x 4

CM477E Notre Dame w Leprechaun
4 x 4

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