College Mini Socks

CM408J MN State
4 x 4

CM408K Middlebury
4 x 4

CM408L Bowdoin College
4 x 4

CM408M Smith College
4 x 4

CM408N U of Oregon
4 x 4

CM408O Wake Forest
4 x 4

CM408P American University
4 x 4

CM408Q Randolph College
4 x 4

CM408R Boilermaker Special
4 x 4

CM408S UCLA Bruins
4 x 4

CM408T San Diego State
4 x 4

CM408U Geo Washington U
4 x 4

CM408V Colgate
4 x 4

CM408W U of Denver
4 x 4

CM408X St. Johns U, NY
4 x 4

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